Sep 13 2020

Steven Pinker

Steven Pinker is a cognitive psychologist, linguist and popular science author who’s known for his research on language, cognition and social relationships. Steven has written about human nature, irregular verbs and even the history of war. You might have heard of some of his books: The Language Instinct, The Better Angels of Our Nature and Enlightenment Now

Steven was introduced by Stefan Sagmeister.

Which three books would you recommend?

The Blind Watchmaker
Richard Dawkins
It allowed me to understand Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection for the first time, kindling an interest I continued to pursue. And it may be the best display of expository scientific prose of the 20th century. It gave me the idea to try my hand at the genre in “The Language Instinct.”

One, Two, Three, InfinityGeorge Gamow
A delightful introduction to number theory, Einstein’s theory of relativity, higher dimensions, and other mathematical and scientific topics. I read it as a young adult, but it’s informative for old adults too.

36 Arguments for the Existence of GodRebecca Newberger Goldstein
A moving, hilarious, and intellectually deep novel about religion and atheism. Disclosure: I like this author’s fiction so much that I married her

Whose reading list are you most curious about?

The physicist David Deutsch, author of The Beginning of Infinity.