Millions of books—
where do you start?

A Library is a place where thinkers, makers, and entrepreneurs share the books that shaped their lives and work. By gathering their reading habits, we hope it helps you navigate the vast world of books—and maybe find one that changes yours.

Why A Library?

We live in a world of endless noise—where social and news media thrive on distraction. Reading cuts through the clutter. It helps us refocus, see new perspectives, challenge assumptions, and stay informed in uncertain times.

Reading has been a lifeline. It has taught me, given me hope, and provided an escape—especially during the pandemic and in a world that feels like it’s constantly shifting. When the pace of change feels overwhelming, reading offers a way to slow down, reflect, and regain clarity.

I’m often asked for book recommendations, but with so many books out there, no single person can know them all. That’s why we created this—a shared resource where others can contribute.

This project began during the pandemic as, and now it has a new home and name. Building on interviews led by Germaine Chong (Shu), Alicia Tan, and Dang Sering, we’re inviting new contributors to share their recommendations. The format remains the same: Which three books would you recommend, and what’s your favorite bookstore or library?

This is about connecting people who love reading with books worth reading. I hope you find something here that speaks to you.

Felix Ng
Co-founder, Anonymous


Anonymous is many things at once—a branding studio, a sense-making lab, and a cultural practice. We help organisations and individuals turn complex information into actionable insights that shape better futures. 

Since 2005, Anonymous has initiated community projects at the intersection of culture and design, including the world’s first design film festival, Southeast Asia’s first food film festival, magazines, books, and exhibitions that have traveled the world. Based in Singapore and Bangkok, we’ve worked across Asia—including Japan, the Philippines, and Vietnam—to inspire and connect communities.

Questions? Contributions or submissions?