Oct 23 2020

Suyong Joh

Suyong Joh (조수용) is the co-CEO of Kakao Corp., one of Korea’s most disruptive—and successful—tech companies. With a background in design, branding and publishing, Suyong was the founder and former CEO of JOH & Company, an agency that shaped a range of hotel and lifestyle brands. He is also the publisher of globally acclaimed Magazine B, an independent and ad-free magazine that features a single brand in each issue, and Magazine F, a food documentary magazine.

Which three books would you recommend?

The Second Mountain
David Brooks
개인으로서의 성공을 넘어 관계를 통해 삶의 기쁨을 찾을수 있다는 용기를 주는 책이다. 관념적으로 들릴 수 있지만 아주 쉽게 현실적인 고민과 그에 대한 방향을 제시해주는 의미있는 이야기이다.

This book gives one the courage to find joy in life through relationships, taking one beyond the trappings of success. It may sound like an ideological story but it is a meaningful story that simply suggests realistic concerns and guidance.

Let My People Go SurfingYvon Chouinard
지구에서 공존하는 인류 공동체에 대한 시각과 이 시대에 기업은 어떤 존재여야 하는지 영감을 주는, 내 마음에 파도를 치게 만들었던 책이다.

It’s a book which offers a unique perspective on the co-existence of people and the ideal existence of business in this era. It’s a thought-provoking book.

SapiensYuval Noah Harari
우리가 당연시했던 인간의 사고에 대해 상상할 수 없는 큰 시야로 해석해 엄청난 통찰력과 영감을 준 책이다. 이 책 덕분에 세상을 더 깊이 이해할 수 있게 되었다. 

With a comprehensive analysis, this book offers tremendous insight and inspiration on undoubtedly fundamental human cognition. Thanks to this book, I have a deeper understanding of the world.

Whose reading list are you most curious about?

John Pawson.