Feb 23 2021

Jasper Wong

Jasper Wong is an artist, art director, designer, teacher and festival organiser. He is also the founder of POW! WOW!, a non-profit organisation of contemporary artists committed to community enrichment. It has beautified communities in 17 cities through art outreach programs, educational programs and mural festivals. Jasper is a book addict with a continuous need to erect new shelves for an ever-growing collection.

Which three books would you recommend?

How to Draw Comics the Marvel Way
Stan Lee and John Buscema
This is honestly the book that taught me to draw. As a child, I was obsessed with Saturday Morning cartoons and comic books. I didn't have access to a lot of art classes, so my master studies were of Jack Kirby and Jim Lee. This book was one of my primary art teachers growing up. I learned about form, perspective, light, and how to draw badass superheroes.

Ways of Seeing John Berger
This is for anyone that loves to see the world beyond its surface. The intent of this book is exactly what the title entails. I have read this book a few times and gifted it to friends countless times. I may need a re-read.

Black HoleCharles Burns
Charles Burns is a multi-talented graphic novelist. His work is visually arresting and immersive. The book's central theme is teen angst as body horror. It is fascinating, grotesque, and beautiful in so many ways.